Sunday, September 14

Blog-tember challenge // September 14th

HI.I don't have the mood to focus on my book so here i am. The tension begins tomorrow so i might or might not skip blog tember challenge. :D Anyway, thanks for making your way here. Today's challenge is about why do you start blogging and when. 

Actually to be honest i start really early like when i was about 13 years old. It is actually the same blog i am using it is just that as i grew, i just dont know why (yesi regretted) i deleted all the past post and decided to start new. So i deleted all the post and then i redesigned my blog and change my domain name (several times) and i think people got so frustrated (i do feel bad okay). The reason i deleted previously was because i though all my post was just to childish when i look back and i just don't get the point of blogging yet. (Should have just stick to it isnt it?) Well, in between i did have second blog at wordpress just to try out BUT however, i still prefer blogspot. :) I do have tumblr but because of limited internet i am hardly on it. I only go there for photo inspirations. Now, i promise that i only have 2 and only two blogging space which will be blogspot and Dayre. I do update there just that i can't do it with a lot of pictures because i only depend on my mobile data. So yeah.

When i started blogging i just want to do it for fun without any intention. For one period of time, i just left it dead because i feel that my life was too boring. When i restarted again was before my unilife and that was because i was bored too. Later after i started my uni, i realize that every time when i needed like somewhere to resort to, i chose blogging. Therefore, that is how i chose the name 'Free to be me' because it is the only space i can be myself (of course i know my limits) and just write without having others judging on how i am doing it. Now that is the reason why. :) 

What about yours? I would like to hear about yours too! :) 
Gotta go have my dinner now. See ya! 

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