Sunday, September 7

Blog- Tember Challenge // September 7th

Hi! September 7th! 7 more days till my finals. (Not good) 

Anyway, ill just make this a little fast. As you guys know, i usually slack a lot when it comes to reading right. Plus i am more interested in writing than reading, so today's topic might be a little dull but i still hope i can share some books that ive manage to finish reading with you! :D You guys know, since i am in the midst of preparing or my finals, i could only read my notes instead. :D

So, here goes! 
via Google
Here is a synopsis you guys can read, i copied from internet. My book is not with me, so i couldn't type out from the back of it. This is one of the novels i read that caught so much of my attention and when i finished reading it, i was amazed myself that i manage to finish this book in like few weeks. Yes, i can take super long reading a novel cause my attention span don't last. HEH. Unless i am traveling long journey. 


‘We’re hungry,’ his brother cried. ‘We’re hungry, Justin. Please find us some food.’

Justin was five years old; his brothers two and three. Their mother, a heroin addict, had left them alone again. Later that day, after trying to burn down the family home, Justin was taken into care.

Justin was taken into care at the age of five after deliberately burning down his family home. Six years on, after 20 failed placements, Justin arrives at Casey’s home. Casey and her husband Mike are specialist foster carers. They practice a new style of foster care that focuses on modifying the behaviour of profoundly damaged children. They are Justin’s last hope, and it quickly becomes clear that they are facing a big challenge.

Try as they might to make him welcome, he seems determined to strip his life of all the comforts they bring him, violently lashing out at schoolmates and family and throwing any affection they offer him back in their faces. After a childhood filled with hurt and rejection, Justin simply doesn’t want to know. But, as it soon emerges, this is only the tip of a chilling iceberg.

A visit to Justin’s mother on Boxing Day reveals that there are some very dark underlying problems that Justin has never spoken about. As the full picture becomes clearer, and the horrific truth of Justin’s early life is revealed, Casey and her family finally start to understand the pain he has suffered.


Another book that i love reading will be Chicken Soup.
Here is one of those that i manage to finish reading :)

One of those quotes that keep me going will be
'It doesn't matter if you keep trying and you fail, it does matter if you stop trying when you fail'

P/s : I cannot really remember the exact quote coz i got short term memory lost, but it is something like that. Heee


which i got as my birthday present! Actually both were my birthday presents
My friends knew how much i love chicken soup :)

So, how about you? Do share with me some of your books title so i can have a good read during my break! :)

Have a good read guys!
Jan xx


  1. I haven't read any of these so thanks for sharing! I read lots of health books and girly ones like shopaholic x

    1. No problem! :) Health books are good! I tried like something on health food book for like a day or two then i couldnt help it but to just eat nonsense again. :/


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