Monday, December 29

Day 1. 2015

An hour of new year has past! There will still be more hour to go through till the very end. Before i head to bed for the new year's daylight, ive just got to say this. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015! Take the memories with you, take the bitterness's lesson along. 2014 is another chapter to close and lets not take it as a regret if we had done really awful things. Lets just all take it as a fate? God wants us to be stronger in the new year and He never gives us more than what we can take. 2015 will still be another year of roller coaster ride. Well, every year is. Its just whether how challenging the ride will be. 

Remember, start the year with a great spirit. Good motivation. Good effort. You will definitely end it with no regrets because you know you have put in effort. If 2014 arent a year that you manage to collect wonderful moments, its okay! Thats why we celebrate the new year to embrace what's coming our way. To some of us, its actually just another year as we dont seem what the year differentiates the work load we have. However, you know the new year will definitely have the new year goals, new year resolutions and definitely new year lessons. Bring forward the work you have left and work your ass off better in the new year! 

2014 hasnt really been a wonderful year for Malaysia or to the world. Look at the disastrous news that comes in one by one even till the very end of year. Condolences to those who were involved. My prayer goes out to those affected. If i had the ability to help mentally and physically, i will. For now, i can only continue to pray that 2015 will give us a better gifts. Dont give up and dont lose hope. God will never stop answering prayers. We just need to believe in Him. :) 

I dont like to rant on things ive done and what i plan to change because i just go with the flow. I just pray for my dreams to come true and hope my graduation goes well. Before i sign off, happy new year once again! 

Singing off, Jan   

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