Friday, June 5

Have you ever?

Have you ever? Got stuck in this situation before? You get so confuse about it that you just not wanting to say anything because you are so afraid of what happens the after. That, is when you just realize it is better to treasure the moments rather than losing that one really really good friend you have. You don't have much choice but you could either be mean or living with regrets. You don't want any of it. 

Therefore, you could only hang on to the choices you've once made and treasure the moments with the other. At least you know the moments you live in will be forever treasured and kept. You know, sometimes if it's meant to be, it will somehow find its way to it. If it's not, it will somehow be broken into a separated road. 

For this, here is a short thank you note for you, 
Thank's for the memories. I appreciate you. Now and always. the moments we had together, have been treasured. Blessed, thankful enough for that backbone God sent to support me until today. and the times ive been taken care of, *bows*. You made it all look so special and worth it. If i could turn back time, i would definitely turn back to the night where i've put on my courage to ask you. That, shall remain as another good memories. Till then.


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