Monday, June 1

Specially for the ladies

Before i start the very long and winding post. Let me apologize for the long hiccups on my blog. Ive filled up my days with packed schedules and i am finally back home after my short semester. Definitely a teary, joyful, sad, and mixed emotions, semester but i am so glad this semester i have grown so much, learn so much and know who is always there. Below is the photo shoot between me and my girls. They are my only and only closest girlfriends i had throughout my university life. The term 'close' has a lot of meanings. I am not the kind of person who can click with girls or ladies because i don't like drama. I am also a lady and i don't want to create drama myself. Those who know me well, will understand this about me because i can literally go out with bunch of guys and be the only lady sitting by. However, once in a while you need girls to understand you too. Therefore, this is the story of us. 'Queen G'.









There is only one regret knowing them in my life which is not knowing them earlier. Do not be fooled by our bright smile. Behind that, everything happened. YES everything. Tears, gossips, dramas, a little conflict but you know what is the best thing about knowing these ladies? We make things clear right in the front and then move on. We may not be happy but we accept the flaws we tell each other. No one is perfect and we can't expect everyone to bring us happiness isn't it. It's those tears, laughter, sharing and confession that brought us so much more closer together. It came close to tears during the last day of paper because i know i won't be able to move on to the new journey with them yet. I am going to miss each and everyone of them in my remaining days in university because i don't have trusted girlfriends who i can rely on anymore. I am willing to do anything and go all out just to save our best friendship together.

What's best about them? They don't judge. That's pretty obvious isn't it? I cannot thanked them enough for the times and days they had spent just to listen to me or be there for me especially at the peak where i cried so much. These adorable ladies are the nicest, smartest, bubbliest, wonderfully awesome ladies ive never regret knowing in my life. This is one honest thing i would say, ive met SO MANY girlfriends in my university life, i meant MANY and i am close to most of them. However, when i define 'close' about these ladies, they are like my family who knows A-Z about me. Even more than my family members. This is for real. I always hated university life because i think ive screwed it up so badly, however they make a turning point in my life. I cried when i know it is going to the last day where i actually spent time with them in university.

Dear ladies, you guys are angels God sent to watch over me. Instead, we are all angels to look after each other. Happy graduation, my loves. You guys will soon embark on a new phase of journey in life and i pray that you guys will enjoy every moment of it. I believe nothing can bring you guys down because you guys have such prepared shield to overcome the challenges and bumps ahead. It may sound scary on the outside but i doubt it's that scary because we are all the same type of creature anyway. Best of luck in your future undertakings and don't forget to update more on your upcoming life stories! Wait for me to join you guys and see you in your convo! Prepare a robe for me!

Cups full of over flowing love,

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