Tuesday, August 4


27 days till the independence day. I used to be really excited for this day to come so i can proudly sing the independence songs. I still am, just that i am not as excited as i used to be anymore. I wish freedom of speech can still be applied without being charged or being arrested. I thought the elders always say, honesty is the best policy, we need to be fair, we should not cheat (insert more moral values). I barely understand moral studies in education system anymore. Why the need to push students to take moral subject when what we are witnessing deeply saddens us. I thought studying makes us smarter, however, watching the news these days make me feel that i haven't studied enough in life to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, what is genuine and what is fake, what is honesty and what is not. People are now so afraid of speaking the truth because they are afraid of being arrested or worst case, being thrown out of the country. *bow head* Then who is going to stand up and make things right again?

Everyday, people around me get updated with news after news and then could only let out a little laugh. One thing that leads to another, explanation after explanation, cover up after cover up, lies after lies. I learnt that when you have power in this world, everyone else can only be the shadow that follows right behind. Why? Because when you have the power, you just order everyone to run your show. If one person screws it up, they will be thrown out. People could only bluntly follows around because they still need income to live, they still need income to feed their family, and with the economy these days, they could barely survive with their income.

I may not live long enough to know the right words to say, i may not have enough knowledge to speak, but i am grown enough to differentiate what is truth and what is fake. Nevertheless, i will still love my country and remain in my country for better or for worst because it is where i belong and where i come from. Let's hope the voices of the nation be heard louder and louder for the country to grow better. Have faith.


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