Thursday, September 10

Sept 10 #blogtemberchallenge

Missed yesterday's post. Too bad so sad. Super busy yesterday and only came home past midnight. Its okay, challenge still goes on. Today's post, BUCKET LIST! 😁 

My bucket list by 2015:
1. To graduate this October
2. To learn how to play guitar and own one
3. To be able to get in to flight attendant
4. To be able to travel out of Malaysia
5. To be able to get a good job after graduation
6. To be able to start fresh with my life after graduate
7. To be proud of where i am heading before the year ends
8. To be able to get myself a new phone
9. To be able to get a camera for myself
10. To be able to complete at least 5 of all these before this year ends

Seem easy but with my current condition, barely able to achieve at least 3. So i got to work hard and push myself harder! Hopefully things will get better for me. 



  1. the guitar one!! i love it!!! what a good, solid investment. music is so good for our spirits <3

    1. yes! i truly wish i will be able to play a song and sing along! :)

  2. I hope all your Bucket List wishes & goals all come true! Thanks for sharing your list!
    P.S.: Early congratulations on your upcoming graduation!!!


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