Hello dusty blog, again.
Fighting over the cold and being emotional the whole day because i know i have work to be completed and i was just denying the fact that i should be doing it.
It is 10pm and before i prepare myself for work tomorrow morning, i want to write on #countmyblessings. Reminding myself that as much as what i am feeling right now sucks, i still should look at the positive side and know that little things may not seem like a big thing it might meant a lot to others.
I mean we all should count our blessings right? I realize complaining so much and i get more emotional which causes me to dislike certain things more and more.
My joy for work is declining more and more but i should learn to hang on because the hard work helps me to put food on my table. I still can enjoy the simple luxury that i should be thankful about. I have colleagues that doesn't have as much drama as the previous one. Also, a boss that have so much patience teaching me instead of screaming at me like ive killed someone. Not to forget the time where i manage to head back home early rather than late night.
My small rented room. I have been complaining about how small, and how the stuffiness caused me so much of nose ithcy-ness but at least i have a shelter to come home to. I have a comfortable bed that allows me to sleep soundly. Maybe i will be moving out when i have a better pay but for now, i should be grateful with what my income can provide me rather than no shelter at all.
My colleagues that i used to complain about. I dont do double face, if i am angry i show it very clearly. I should really calm down myself and try to work it out in other way rather than turning my back. Disliking and talking behind someone's back doesn't really help much. Work it out in other ways and then eliminate the dislike feeling. It is not healthy at all which i think many people in workplace should learn how to work on it.
Count my blessings.
Jan. xx
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